If you or a loved one has ever had hemorrhoids, you know that they can be painful and uncomfortable to deal with and difficult to avoid. Use the tips in this article to effectively treat your hemorrhoids.
One of the most effective and long-term solutions to prevent formation of painful, uncomfortable hemorrhoids is to adopt a diet that is rich in fiber. You should eat whole grain foods, pasta, oatmeal and a lot of leafy green vegetables. The fiber will soften your stools, decreasing the strain that causes hemorrhoids.
It can be difficult to clean yourself properly when you have hemorrhoids, but doing so is a critical part of personal hygiene. Moistened wipes are much better than using toilet paper because it is more comfortable. A sitz bath of warm water can alleviate the discomfort from swollen veins. Allow yourself to soak for roughly 20 minutes.
Good hygiene routines in the bathroom will assist in lowering your odds of getting hemorrhoids. Select toilet paper that is soft and doesn’t leave behind a residue, and wipe yourself with a moist wipe after defecating.
Hemorrhoids can be irritated by scented products containing perfumes or dyes, so avoid these if at all possible. Even minimal exposure to one of these substances may cause the hemorrhoid to burn or itch.
Use ice to stop hemorrhoid pain. Hemorrhoids are often times extremely painful. A homemade ice pack can minimize swelling, which then lessens your pain. Alternate between an ice pack and a warm compress. You can reduce the size of your hemorrhoids by taking a warm bath before applying an ice pack to the inflamed area.
It is good to eat whole wheat bread to help digestion and help your hemorrhoids. It often aids in eliminating irritation and decreasing redness. When making your sandwiches, choose wheat bread and bypass white versions.
A portable cushion is a helpful device for relief from pain when seated. Using the cushion while traveling or sitting at a desk can significantly reduce your discomfort.
If hemorrhoids are causing you great distress, it is important not to rely on laxative drugs to solve constipation. Laxatives are designed to assist with only one bowel movement. If you have recurring problems, alter your diet to help you achieve more consistent bowel movements.
Hemorrhoids are going to be high on the list of possible causes, but it’s unwise to make any assumptions. Head to the doctor to make sure. Blood in the stool or bleeding from the rectum can point to more serious causes, such as colon cancer. Put your mind at ease by having the problem diagnosed. If you do have hemorrhoids, your physician can provide tips on treating and managing the condition.
Laxatives only help you move your bowels once, so do not depend upon them to alleviate your problems with hemorrhoids. While taking laxatives can help you if you’re constipated or desperately need a soft bowel movement, they won’t fix your hemorrhoid issues in the long term.
Do not sit down on the commode until you need to go. If you sit and wait, you might strain a little bit without realizing it, even if you’re doing something else while you’re waiting. Wait for peristalsis to begin before you try to have a bowel movement. Otherwise, straining will make your hemorrhoids worse.
To alleviate the swelling and pain, try sitting in a warm tub of water. Sitting in a tub with six to twelve inches of water, at lukewarm temperature, will increase blood flow and help reduce discomfort from hemorrhoids. Keep your knees up when you sit in the tub. Allow plenty of time, at least until the water has begun to cool.
Aloe Vera juice is reported to be an effective stool softener. If you can’t stand the taste, consider mixing it with some apple juice. Always read the product label and follow its instructions scrupulously. Stomach discomfort can result if the correct dosage is not consumed.
Use a cream, but not too often. Many creams numb the pain caused by hemorrhoids, but they often won’t alleviate swelling or irritation. If you need to use these for more than a week, make sure your doctor is okay with it. Using these too often can cause more pain, especially if they are used more often than allowed.
Though your hemorrhoids are sure to itch, it is essential that you avoid scratching at all costs. Scratching may cause serious damage or infection in this area. If you need to, you should use a wet cloth to dab that area and also cleanse it. The itching sensation might be caused from the area not being clean, so patting with a wet cloth will cleanse the area and relieve some of the itching.
Gaining a solid understanding of how to treat hemorrhoids should help you in the future if the problem should ever occur again. You can use your new-found knowledge to help keep hemorrhoids at bay!