Hemorrhoids are a painful affliction that can affect your daily life. It can be hard to concentrate on the things you need to get done if you’re experiencing the constant pain of an inflamed hemorrhoid. Use the excellent tips below to enhance your knowledge of this painful condition.
Improving your bathroom hygiene practices can make it less likely that external hemorrhoids will form. Using softer toilet tissue and moistened wipes after every bowel movement is important.
Witch hazel is an effective remedy for pain and irritation associated with hemorrhoids. Witch hazel is a great astringent that can constrict your hemorrhoid tissue, which can relieve and heal them. Use cotton balls to apply witch hazel, and allow it to sit on the affected area for somewhere between 5 and 10 minutes, or simply pour some into your sitz bath.
If you are afflicted with hemorrhoids, put a dash of lemon juice in your water. There are chemicals in lemons which help to soothe the discomfort and irritation of hemorrhoids. Consume lemon water on a regular basis to help control your hemorrhoids.
Many hemorrhoids are caused by overexerting sphincter muscles, causing chronic irritation. If you suffer from hemorrhoids frequently, you should pay close attention to the amount of force you use during bowel movements and other activities.
Try to abstain from lifting anything heavy if you want to avoid irritating, existing hemorrhoids and causing new ones to erupt. It puts strain on your body just like bowel movements do. If your hemorrhoid problem becomes chronic, heavy lifting should be avoided completely.
Although it is common for hemorrhoids to cause blood after a bowel movement, it is always a good idea to consult your doctor to rule out all other possible causes. There are much more serious causes of bloody stools, such as cancer, which should be ruled out. Get your condition diagnosed by a doctor so you can stop worrying. You doctor is the best person to diagnose the problem, and recommend the proper treatment.
Eat high fiber foods. Fiber helps soften your stool. Softer stools let you use less force when going to the bathroom, and will help minimize any pain or discomfort you may feel when pushing. Foods, such as fruits and fiber supplements, may help to soften your stool.
You should definitely avoid, spicy or hot foods, and caffeine is also on the list of things to avoid. These items will irritate your intestines, and that can devastate your hemorrhoids. In fact, if the food you eat is too spicy, your hemorrhoids can become inflamed, which can cause you to experience intense pain even when you’re not having a bowel movement. Because of this, it’s best to steer clear of these foods.
To minimize swelling and pain, try spending time in a bathtub filled with warm water. Sitting in up to a foot of warm water boosts the blood flow to areas affected by hemmorrhoids, reducing discomfort. Keep your knees bent while you sit. Stay in the water at the very minimum until the water begins to lose temperature.
If you are the victim of painful hemorrhoids, be glad that there are some very effective ways to reduce the discomfort. The suggestions outlined above are geared to helping you prevent and treat any hemorrhoid flare-up. This malady can sometimes disappear on its own, but getting adequate treatment for it now can facilitate change quickly.