There are two types of hemorrhoids, internal which are inside the rectum, and external which are around and under the skin around the anus. You may be more likely to treat external hemorrhoids because they’re more painful, but you can treat internal hemorrhoids as well. The below article can assist you in discovering methods of handling hemorrhoids and decreasing their negative effects in order to improve your life.
You do not have to suffer needlessly through a bout of hemorrhoids with no relief at all. Taking a sitz bath several a day is helpful. Sit in the warm water for approximately ten minutes. Also, relief may come in the form of a cold compress applied directly to the area.
When it comes to relieving the discomfort of hemorrhoids, combined hot-and-cold therapy is one of your best bets. The cold will help shrink your hemorrhoid and the heat will promote healing. Apply ice for ten minutes followed by a moistened heat pad for twenty minutes.
Consider the usage of witch hazel for relief from hemorrhoid discomforts. This astringent shrinks and constricts the swollen tissues and provides cooling relief. Apply the witch hazel with a cotton ball and leave on for 5 to 10 minutes, or add it to a sitz bath.
Drinking plenty of water can help to reduce the symptoms and growth of hemorrhoids. Your stools will be softer if you are hydrated. You should avoid alcohol and caffeine.
As silly as it may sound, a portable cushion could be a helpful tool to overcome hemorrhoid pain. You may not be comfortable using it at your workplace or in public, but while driving or sitting down at home, it can alleviate the pressure on the area and reduce pain.
Try home remedies for your hemorrhoids before wasting money on expensive treatments and medications. After you have a bowel movement, soak for about 15 minutes in a sitz bath. Never scratch your hemorrhoids, no mater how much they itch, because this can aggravate the condition. Instead, use witch hazel pads and put them on the itchy spots for relief. Eat tons of food with fiber, and make sure you drink at least eight cups of water each day. This will make it easier for you to avoid straining during your bowel movements.
Try losing weight to get rid of hemorrhoid pain! If you are overweight, you can experience more issues with hemorrhoids. Excess weight can place undue strain and pressure on the veins in your rectal area. Try losing weight by following a plan that uses high fiber foods, so that it can reduce your body’s pressure. Take care not to use laxatives too frequently, either to assist you in losing weight or as a treatment method for your hemorrhoids, because your body can develop an unhealthy dependence on them.
While hemorrhoids are most likely the cause, check with your doctor to make sure. Other serious conditions, such as cancer, can cause bleeding. You can ease your mind by letting your doctor properly diagnose your condition. If you do have hemorrhoids, your physician can provide tips on treating and managing the condition.
Increase your daily intake of water. This is potentially the simplest way to prevent hemorrhoids from occurring. Being well hydrated prevents constipation, which is a cause of hemorrhoids. In addition, it helps to thoroughly clean out your internal systems. Drink a minimum of eight glasses of water each day.
Hydrate yourself often. If you aren’t properly hydrated, water from your stool will be used. This process makes stool harder and more painful to pass when the time comes. Drink as much as you can, but at least get your recommended daily intake of water, and you will not have hemorrhoids as often.
Don’t consume spicy foods or caffeine. These types of foods can cause intestinal irritation, which in turn can make hemorrhoids worse. Even when you don’t have hemorrhoids, these foods can cause a burning irritation in the intestinal lining. It is best to eliminate spicy foods.
You can loosen your stools by drinking aloe vera. If the aloe has a disagreeable flavor, improve by adding some apple juice. It is important to check the label, and follow the dosing instructions carefully. Drinking more than the recommended amount can cause an upset stomach.
No matter if your hemorrhoids are itchy, resist scratching them. If you scratch them, you are more prone to contracting an infection, and you may suffer substantial skin damage. If you really cannot bear the itch any longer, dampen a cloth and lightly pat the area, so that it is cleansed. The itching might be caused by not having the area clean enough, so cleaning the area may relieve some itching.
Olive oil is an at home remedy you can try for hemorrhoid treatment. Most people do not realize that olive oil has natural properties that can soothe inflammation and itching. Apply the olive oil to the external hemorrhoids only. Olive oil is not recommended for use with internal hemorrhoids.
The beginning of this article started with overviews of the different hemorrhoid situations people can experience. External hemorrhoids are supposedly more painful, but both internal and external hemorrhoids require preventative treatments in order to deal successfully with them. You can seek relief from hemorrhoids by using the advice from this article.